
Hi, I’m Blake Weissman.

The "about me" section on websites has always been funny to me. Should it be professional and in-depth or should it be informative and straight to the point???

After sitting here for a while going back and forth something dawned on me... I am not psychic, so I decided to write this letter like it was going to be sent to an old friend.

Here’s How I Will Help You.

My primary goal is to guide you in transforming your advertising efforts into profits through branding and automation.

Essentially we do this by creating, "targeted marketing messages" tailored to your prospects depending on what they're looking for.

In my view, this approach is the ultimate achievement in marketing.

I will also help you enhance your positioning in the marketplace.

This is another way of saying, "Make people like you before you attempt to sell them anything"

I achieve this by teaching you how to genuinely assist your prospects before they even encounter your sales pitch.

Here’s What You Can Expect From Me.

Actionable strategies and a plan we can use in your marketing right now for free... which is usually followed by......

An obvious sales pitch.

Are you surprised I just openly admitted you'll be getting an overt sales pitches from me?

But really, why wouldn't I be upfront about it?

Think about it – I'm a self-proclaimed "marketing guru." My bread and butter comes from selling.

So yes, I'll definitely be trying to sell you something, and I won't beat around the bush.

But here's the catch – I always start with genuinely useful strategies and tactics that you can implement right away and that part's on the house.

The hope is you'll think, "Wow, this free advice is great. Maybe I should see what services he has to offer."

It's a straightforward concept. I like to call it the "Prove Your Worth By Actually Being Helpful" approach.

It's remarkably effective.

How Can You Tell If What

I'm Offering Is Really Good?

Well, the smartest thing to do is to just get some of my free materials.

If you like it, you’ll probably like working with me.

If you don’t like it, you won’t. But I think I’m supposed to do the whole “self-riotous biography” thing now so here goes:

I started my “Online Marketing” career in 2014 by watching my dad do it for some of his clients.

At that time, I was still in high school and couldn't care less about marketing. I mean I just wanted to play baseball, hang with my friends, and play video games.

Anyway – after my dad passed away in 2016 I fell out of it and picked it back up in 2018. I forgot a lot of what I learned, so I had to relearn it all again...

Then I discovered books and courses from Dan Kennedy, David Ogilvy, Russell Brunson, Eugene Schwartz, and many more.

Let's just say I was like a kid in a candy store.

And that’s how I got my start as a “marketing guru”.

Fast forward to today and I’ve got customers and clients in many industries ranging from B2B and B2C.

My First Sales

Pitch To You:

Go and read some of my articles and watch some videos on my website.

If you like them, schedule a call.

Super Simple, right?

Thanks for reading this, and talk to you soon!

Blake Weissman


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